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Clear Your Patterns
Transformative Therapies for Conscious Living with Patti Towhill
New Media!
Interview with astrologer Aurorah Yarberry
Past life regression therapist Patti Towhill talks about reincarnation, healing from past life trauma in this life. . . CLICK HERE to listen for free or on Spotify
Read my contribution to an article on Energy Healing by the online magazine MysticMag. My section is the sixth one down the page.
Patti's book
is now available!
An innovative workbook for anyone still
seeking true love.

It is not that our hopes
are too high to reach,
it’s that they are too low
and we do.
stop resisting
People often choose to avoid growth until it can no longer be ignored. Discomfort and stress result from the natural need to expand, while still feeling confined by your past and present conditions and perceptions. You may recognize some of these growing pains, the unwanted effects that may signify that it is time to expand:
● feeling held back by fears or habits;
● disharmonious relationships;
● being caught in a negative cycle;
● dissatisfying life circumstances;
● physical, emotional or mental distress;
● feeling blocked or stuck;
● resisting necessary change, or
● lacking the resources to make the
changes you desire.
Your Greatest SELF
Are you seeking to . . .?
● Attain Clarity and Direction
● Clear Away Painful Past Influences
● Release Negative Habits and Take
Life-Affirming Action
● Ease Challenges and Transitions
● Replace Anger, Grief or Fear with
Patience, Joy and Love
● Get Unstuck, then Create and Achieve
● Enhance Performance, Creativity and
● Harmonize Relationships
● Balance Energy for Well-Being and
Why not take a moment right now to
write down your own positive intentions?
With Transformative Therapies for Conscious Living with Patti Towhill, you can identify the true cause of whatever is limiting you. You can clear those unwanted patterns, shift into perfect alignment with your positive intentions, and live consciously and joyfully every moment of your life.
You are naturally expanding in consciousness and capabilities all throughout your life. You can build upon your past, make the most of present opportunities, and plan for future growth. You naturally have everything you need to expand into greater awareness, well-being, and love.
the Life of Your Dreams
Consciously Live

Patti Towhill
Certified Past Life Therapist
Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner
Patti provides empowering assistance for
● Anyone working toward greater
clarity, balance, and connection
in all areas of life;
● Adults, children and infants in
life transitions;
● Business people, athletes, artists,
organizations seeking greater
creativity and success;
● Animals needing help with their
The hallmark of her work is the belief that everyone has the innate power to create their own healing and transformation. Her focus is on assisting each individual as they take their own steps into ever more conscious living.
Clients are saying . . .
The last few days after my session have been completely amazing!!! I have so much clarity about my life and why I am the way I am. Everything from my childhood until now makes complete sense to me. Down to music I've been attracted to, etc. I have talked to my mom and several friends about it and all these thoughts keep flooding in about other past lives. Every day I get more signs from the universe confirming and answering questions for me. Stuff that I have "known" since I was a kid and things I have thought and said since childhood all make sense to me since I got some insight into who I was in past lives. It has given me a new sense of resolve. I feel so excited about the future. Thanks again for all that you do. I feel like a thousand pound weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I will stay in touch and schedule another session with you in the future. —J.B.
"Working with Patti has been a real pleasure. She is personable, creative and compassionate. What I enjoy most about her approach is that she is a meticulous listener. I have worked with her to grow my business using Resonance Repatterning, and I've worked with her to clear some seemingly large blocks using Past Life Regression. Patti brings integrity and joy to the healing process, and I've experienced some outstanding results in working with her. My business has grown, attracted new customers, better talent, and I am enjoying my own role as a team leader even more. I would highly recommend Patti for anyone who is looking for a powerful approach to creating a quantum shift in their life." —A.D.
"I never feel like you are using a technique on me, each session flows so naturally." —P.P
"Patti, thank you for keeping me focused
on my higher nature at all times."
"I know that each session with you will bring me substantially closer to my main goal for real happiness." —L.R.
"My experience was so natural it was surprising. Patti’s guidance opened doors in my deeper understanding that I did not see. I have learned so much from our sessions." —S.T.